Our Instructors

Grand Master Richardson

Grand Master Richardson, with a martial arts journey that started at age 6, began his training in Wing Chun Fist under his father. He later pursued boxing and earned his Golden Gloves at 18. Currently holding 7th Dan Master Instructor black belts in both Hapkido and Tae Kwon Do, Grand Master Richardson is renowned for his martial arts prowess and grappling skills, having trained numerous students in the Wilmington area.

Master Instructor Smith

Master Instructor has been training under Grand Master Richardson since 2012, holding 5th Dan Black Belts in both Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido. With a diverse background in Parkour, Capoeira, and Tumbling Fist, he brings a variety of skill sets to the students, helping them develop coordination, power, self-control, and flexibility. Instructor Smith also leads CMAA's demo team, imparting structure, discipline, and perseverance to the students.

Head Instructor Savannah Herring

Head Instructor Herring started Tae Kwon Do at age 8, excelling through belt ranks and forms. Achieving her 1st Junior poom Black Belt at 12, she earned recognition for excellence and became a Junior Instructor. With her 2nd Junior poom Black Belt at 13, Herring's passion for instructing, alongside training in Hapkido, led to her role as CMAA's Head Instructor at just 14 years old. Her journey reflects dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to both personal growth and guiding fellow students.

Instructor Autumn Rountree

Instructor Rountree's journey in Tae Kwon Do began at age 9 under Grand Master Richardson, and her rapid progress led her to achieve the 1st and 2nd Junior Poom Black Belts at ages 13 and 14, respectively. With determination and advanced techniques, she earned her 1st Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do at 16 and was promoted to Instructor by Grand Master Richardson, receiving her 2nd Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and 1st Dan Black Belt in Hapkido at age 17. Her exceptional sparring skills have earned her the title of Champion of the Year for three consecutive years.

Assistant Instructor Mack Horne

Assistant Instructor Horne initiated his Tae Kwon Do training at CMAA at the age of 5 and demonstrated commitment and dedication as he progressed through the belt ranks. In 2020, he achieved the 1st Junior Poom Black Belt, leading him to train even harder and go beyond his class requirements, eventually gaining recognition from Grand Master Richardson, who promoted him to Junior Instructor. With proficiency in Tae Kwon Do and training in Hapkido, Junior Instructor Horne also contributes to CMAA's Demo Team, showcasing his excellence in martial arts.

Assistant Instructor Skyler Ferron

Assistant Instructor Ferron began his martial arts journey at the age of 5 and, after training with a local dojang, joined CMAA under the guidance of Grand Master Richardson. Showing remarkable progress, he became an Assistant Instructor at a young age and received his 1st and 2nd Junior Poom Black Belts in Tae Kwon Do in 2017 and 2018, respectively, becoming the youngest student at CMAA to receive an honorary White Gi. Dedicated to mastering his skills in both Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido, Junior Instructor Ferron now uses his advanced knowledge to inspire and instruct others.

Assistant Instructor Lena Alrabadi

Junior Instructor Lena Alrabadi has been training under Grand Master Richardson since 2017 in Tae Kwon Do. Lena began her Tae Kwon Do Training at CMAA at the age of 7. She also trains in Hapkido under Grand Master Richardson, along with her brother and sister. She is also part of the CMAA Demo Team. Lena is very dedicated and committed to go as far as she can in Martial Arts. Lena is very analytical and likes to perfect her form and kicks. Lena loves assisting students and has patience and control. Due to her Self Control Grand Master Richardson looks to her in assisting new students with Sparring and Boxing. Lena assists classes 5 days out of the week. With her hard work and dedication came a promotion of a White Gi. Lena received her White Gi in March of 2023. Lena received her 1st Junior Poom Black Belt on April 16, 2022 at the age of 11. She later received her 2nd Junior Poom on April 29, 2023 at the age of 12.

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